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Prizes for the Civic Parliament video contest awarded

The high school Miravalles-El Redín was the winner in two categories, first award and most viewed video.

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Logo of the Civic Parliament PHOTO: Courtesy
10/06/14 09:17 Alberto Bonilla

Arising from the agreement between the School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra and the Parliament of Navarra, "What is the Parliament for you?"is an online video contest that seeks to get students from high school diploma and High School students to give their vision about the Parliament and its role in society. As goal main objective is to promote civic culture and interest in democratic institutions in society.

In this edition, in which average ten schools of the capital of Navarre have participated, the winners have been the group of high school Miravalles-El Redín (Redín headquarters), composed by Francisco Miranda, José Iribas, José María Calonge and Francisco Javier Alfaro (teacher in charge), who with his video "The magic of words", have obtained the first award. Next, high school Maristas obtained the second prize award with the video graduate "The Tourist", made by group of Telmo Zuza, Javier Erro, Adrían Reina, Javier García and Samuel Valderrey Pérez (teacher in charge).

The award for the most viewed video went to "What is the Parliament for you?" from high school Miravalles-El Redín (Miravalles headquarters), in a group composed by Teresa Abascal, Elena Alfaro, Leticia Lizarraga, Covadonga Ruiz de la Cuesta and Elena Montané (teacher in charge).

The Santo Sacramento and Jesuitas schools have also presented their proposals in this competition , which seeks to encourage young people to contribute their own point of view and promote their own participation and the dissemination of values in a democratic culture.

The awards ceremony submission will take place on the 16th at the Parliament of Navarra at 12 noon. 



