Silvia de Carlos, new Vice-Dean of the School of Pharmacy
The President has appointed Silvia de Carlos as vice-dean of the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition, replacing Alberto Pérez Mediavilla.
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
The new Vice-Dean holds a degree in Pharmacy from the University, specializing in Microbiology and Parasitology, and a PhD in Pharmacy from the University of Granada. Since 2007, she has been a professor at the department from Preventive Medicine and Public Health of our University. Its teaching, in the Schools of Medicine, Pharmacy and Nutrition, and Nursing is focused on Epidemiology and in the prevention of infectious diseases. Since 2015 and to date, she has been an adjunct of Office of Student Affairs of the School of Medicine.
Silvia de Carlos is a researcher at Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) and Tropical Health Institute. His priority line of research is the epidemiology and prevention of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections in sub-Saharan Africa. She has been involved in 11 contracts/projects of research and since 2010 has led four projects related to determinants of HIV infection in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo). She is the author of 40 scientific articles and several book chapters. In 2015, he completed a postdoctoral stay at the department Global Health at the Harvard School of Public Health (Boston, USA).
The dean, Adela López de CerainThe company has thanked Alberto Pérez Mediavilla his work and tireless involvement in Pharmacy as Associate Dean since 2010 and his good work with students and teachers. "The friendly demanding mood, his efforts to improve the academic and humanistic training of the students, the open-mindedness towards new teaching methodologies, the harmony with the members of the board are aspects of his performance as Associate Dean of Students. Among his achievements, the development of the diploma in Sports Nutritionwhich is being so well received at Degree of Human Nutrition and Dietetics," he said.