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Charles Asare, a Ghanaian boy who lost mobility of his legs, is walking again.

The University launched a fundraising campaign that raised 5,000 euros to pay for his operation and rehabilitation.

11 | 10 | 2024

Thanks to the fundraising campaign that Tantaka, the Time Bank of the University of Navarra, organized last May, Charles Asare, a 12-year-old boy from a small village in Ghana, has walked again. Three years ago, after suffering a serious fall that caused a bone marrow edema, the little boy lost the mobility of his legs.

His story reached Spain through Father Dennis Yeboah, a local priest, who shared his case with two employees of the University of Navarra who sent him a wheelchair to facilitate his mobility. After undergoing several medical tests, it was determined that with an operation and rehabilitation he would be able to walk again.

The treatment, which cost 5,000 euros, became the goal of a fundraising campaign launched by Tantaka, the Solidarity Time Bank of the University of Navarra.

Just 10 days after making his story known, and thanks to the generosity of 45 people, the amount needed to cover his medical expenses was raised. "Once again, it has been demonstrated that solidarity knows no borders and that small actions can generate big changes", said Natalia Couto, coordinator of Tantaka, who thanked "on behalf of Charles, his family and Father Dennis, the generosity of all those who have contributed their grain of sand so that Charles can walk again".

In this link you can see some images of Charles during his rehabilitation.



