A research delves into the process of integration of the kingdom of Navarre into the crown of Castile.
It was developed by Professor Ana Zabalza, from the School of Philosophy and Letters, and Mercedes Galán, from the School of Law.

Thanks to the Ordenanças del Conseio Real del Reyno de Navarra (1622), Mercedes Galán and Ana Zabalza, professors at the Schools of Law and Philosophy and Letters, respectively, study the legal and historical consequences of Navarre's accession to the crown of Castile in 1512.
This research aims to know the relationship that existed between the administration of the Viceroyalty with the Royal committee of Navarre, the committee of Castile, the Courts or the Provincial Council. "The evolution of the legal relations allows us to understand why Navarre has maintained the foral regime up to the present day", says Mercedes Galán.
From a historical point of view, this process meant "the participation of many Navarrese in the governance of the most powerful monarchy in Europe," explains Ana Zabalza. Likewise, they also analyze the social consequences of this process: "The Navarrese, integrated in the Hispanic administration, went to America and, upon their return, brought with them new ways of thinking and acting. In addition, from the point of view of the artistic heritage, the remittances they sent, the artistic objects and the works they sponsored were very abundant," continues the professor of the School of Philosophy and Letters.
Thanks to this compilation of the laws of the Kingdom of Navarre and the study of the Navarrese who played a leading role in the Crown of Castile, it is possible to understand the legal evolution of Navarre and how it has maintained its foral status.