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First National Agrifood congress

In the meeting, which will take place on May 5 and 6, will participate the professor of the University of Navarra Juan Manuel Irache and the Vice President of research, Iciar Astiasarán.

12/04/11 15:10
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The congress aims to bring together in the same forum researchers, those who demand and use the technology, those who have to value it, as well as those who have to promote and manage it. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

Pamplona will host, on May 5 and 6, the first National Agri-Food congress , organized by the high school Official Agricultural Engineers of Aragon, Navarra and the Basque Country and in which will participate, among others, the professors of the University of Navarra Juan Manuel Irache and Iciar Astiasarán, Vice President of research of the academic center.

The goal of this quotation is to highlight the importance of innovation for the future of the agri-food industry and for the entire production complex associated with it. Thus, under the slogan "Innovate to move forward", the congress will present some experiences in agri-food innovation subject narrated by its protagonists.

Also, during the meeting there will be an act of professional recognition to the agronomist Jorge Jordana Butticaz de Pozas, "for his B contribution to the Spanish food industry," according to the organization.



