The project "The Good Goal" saves 17,000 litres of water, 267 kilos of waste and 7,000 kg of CO2 in the campus of the University
This initiative, promoted by the BIOMA Institute of the University of Navarra and Campus Home, has been developed during five weeks in the university campus .

PhotoManuel Castells
/Nicolas Iribas and Jesús Miguel Santamaría.
12 | 04 | 2024
The Good Goal is an APP that aims to help companies reduce their environmental impact through a series of gamified challenges and the calculation of water, waste and CO2 savings. And this is what has been launched at the campus of the University of Navarra in order to reduce CO2 emissions and improve sustainable habits throughout the university community. This pilot project , promoted by the Biodiversity and Environment Institute (BIOMA) of the University of Navarra and the business Campus Home, has been developed in the framework of the Chair Campus Home of Sustainability.
"This initiative has managed to involve students, researchers and university staff , and represents a significant step towards the realization of a greener and more sustainable campus ," says Jesús Miguel Santamaría, director of Chair and the Bioma Institute.
The project has been developed for five weeks and has had the active participation of more than seventy people, achieving savings of 7,022 kg of CO2 (its equivalence could be 41 days absorbing CO2 for a year), 16.858 liters of water (equivalent to three flights from Madrid to New York), and avoiding the generation of 267 kilos of waste (equivalent to lighting the Eiffel Tower for 94 days), "demonstrating the real and tangible impact of these actions in the conservation of resources and the mitigation of the carbon footprint".
For Jesús Miguel Santamaría, one of the future challenges of this project is to involve the entire university community "in order to improve the scope and impact of these sustainable initiatives". For his part, Nicolás Iribas, representative of Campus Home, pointed out that "the commitment of the two institutions ensures the viability of the initiative and the exploration of new strategies to integrate sustainable practices into the day-to-day work of the University's campus ".
The submission awards ceremony for the winners of the challenges will be held on April 18 at the University of Navarra Museum, at the framework of the congress Sustainability "Tell Us", where both the BIOMA Institute and Campus Home will be present as sponsors of the event.
The Chair Campus Home of Sustainability was created in 2022, as a result of the initiative of the BIOMA Institute and the business Campus Home, to promote the research in environmental issues, promote the Education environmental among the university community, and to raise awareness in society of the need to establish sustainable development models.