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degree program against childhood brain tumors

The goal is to involve society in such an important task as the research and to do it through sports.

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Researchers of the laboratory of Biological Therapies in Brain Tumors of the CIMA and the Clínica Universidad de Navarra. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
12/05/14 19:05 Mª Pilar Huarte

The laboratory of Biologic Therapies in Brain Tumors of the CIMA and the Clínica Universidad de Navarra has organized a popular solidarity degree program to raise funds for research in childhood brain tumors. "You all know the difficult status through which the research is going through in Spain, that is why we have promoted this initiative. We want to involve many people in a very important work for society as is the research and do it through sport. We are not new to this; last year we organized a paddle tennis tournament that was quite successful," explain the organizers.

The degree program, 4.4 km, was held on Sunday May 18 from 10:30 am and ran through the Citadel, Vuelta del Castillo and moats. "There were inflatables for children, raffle gifts and, of course, the winners will receive their award, (dinners, spas, lots of Iberian products, etc.)," said Dr. Marta Alonso, principal investigator of laboratory.

A web page was web page with all the information.



