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Two Economics professors receive a award from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Accenture

Sergio Mayordomo and María Rodríguez are co-authors with Miguel Antón, researcher of IESE.

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María Rodríguez. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
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Sergio Mayordomo. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
12/06/14 17:01 Miguel M. Ariztegi

credit The Jury of the V award of the Chair Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)-Accenture has decided to award the work of research Dealing with dealers:Sovereing CDS Co-Movements in Europe, carried out by the researchers of the School of Economics Sergio Mayordomo and María Rodríguez and their IESE colleague Miguel Antón. The award was presented ex aequo with article Lendingwithhardand soft information, by Sergio Vicente.

Both papers addressed the discussion on the role of financial innovations in economic growth, a topic much researched in recent times due to the responsibility of some of them in the generation of the international crisis.

The work of the professors of the University of Navarra, belonging to the group de research Banking and Finance for Society analyzes the rapid expansion and use of popular financial derivatives such as Credit Default Swaps or CDS and their consequences. The work presented by Sergio Vicente delved into the radical change in the assessment of applicants for credit through the Credit Scoring system implemented by major banks.

The jury of the awards was formed by Juan Pedro Moreno, director of Global Banking Industry at Accenture and president of the committee Directivo de la Chair UAM-Accenture at Economics and management de la Innovación; Paloma Sánchez, professor of Applied Economics at UAM and director of Chair; Karl-Erik Sveiby, professor of Knowledge Management at Hanken Bussiness School in Helsinki; Emilio Ontiveros, Full Professor of Economics of business of UAM, Daniel Wolfenzon, Stefan H. Robock Professor of Finance and Economics at Columbia Business School in New York and Carina Szpilka, former CEO of ING Direct Spain.

Juan Pedro Moreno described the award-winning works as excellent and emphasized that they combine "the human side with the technological", recalling that "every year there are more and more works coming from countries all over Europe" to opt for the award. 

research international

Emilio Ontiveros, on behalf of the jury, recognized that these works of research "show that in our country, in our centers of research, work is being done that is comparable to what is being done abroad"; and he advocated for the financial literacy of users in Education and for the promotion of financial innovation, correcting the excesses "caused by the deficiencies in the control and supervision of regulatory entities".

Concepción Dancausa, delegate of the area Government of Economics, Finance and public administration and deputy mayor of Madrid City Council, showed her support for innovation and research that is being carried out mainly from the University, emphasizing that companies, Spanish banks and civil servants of public administrations are working in the same direction.

The Chair UAM-Accenture at Economics and management of Innovation supports different activities to promote quality research , and since 2009 has been organizing a award of research with a specific topical theme. José M. Sanz, President of the UAM, pointed out that it is a "pride to maintain confidence in the UAM through the people involved not only in the Chair but in the awards and their impact on the School and the Departments".

In the event, which was held at the UAM, took place the advertisement of the 6th call for the Awards of the Chair UAM-Accenture that will deal with the diary Digital and Innovation (DAE), whose goal is to achieve sustainable economic and social benefits from a single digital market based on the speed of the Internet and Information Technology and Communications.



