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Tecnun joins Quantum Spain, project quantum computing promoted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation.

Tecnun researchers to develop mathematical models to reduce quantum information errors

PhotoIgnacioVillameriel/Antonio Marti, Olatz Sanz, Josu Etxezarreta, Pedro Crespo and Reza Dastbasteh, researchers at Tecnun-School of Engineering of the University of Navarra.

12 | 09 | 2023

Tecnun, the School of Engineering of the University of Navarra, joins project Quantum Spain, promoted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, and whose goal is to create an ecosystem of quantum computing at the state level. The project, coordinated by Barcelona Supercomputing Center, currently has 27 groups of research pioneers in quantum computing.

Specifically, the group Mathematical Principles of Information and Communications at Tecnun will develop mathematical algorithms to reduce errors in quantum computers, as explained by Pedro Crespo, Full Professor of the University and director of group. "Quantum computers perform certain tasks that a home computer would take millions of years to solve, but quantum information is prone to errors that make the computations currently performed not entirely reliable," notes the researcher.

In this sense, researchers at the School will contribute to project with the development of algorithms that act as correction methods, capable of detecting and correcting the errors that "corrupt" quantum information, as explained by Tecnun's researcher , Josu Etxezarreta. In addition, they will develop mathematical models to understand how these errors behave, a necessary task to be able to correct them later.

"The only solution for quantum computers, which will coexist in the future with classical computers, will be to have algorithms that quickly correct and clean up the noise that corrupts the information," warns Crespo.

In this way, Tecnun researchers will contribute their knowledge to Quantum Spain with the study and development of algorithms and error correction strategies that will be put to test with the quantum machines acquired through project.

It should be noted that Quantum Spain is an initiative promoted through the administrative office of State of Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence and financed with the Next Generation funds of the Recovery Plan, in the framework of the "diary España Digital 2026".

About the group of Information and Communications Principles

The group of Principles of Information and Communications was born in 2000 to research in the fields of Information Theory and signal processing. Since 2018, the group has directed its research to the sector of quantum communications and quantum computing, having published 15 scientific papers in high impact journals.

It should be noted that this group is funded by the IKUR strategy of the Basque Government whose goal is to promote the attraction of talent and development of research projects in the line of quantum technologies, among other lines.

Likewise, group is working on projects funded by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa (Gipuzkoa Quantum) and the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the latter being projects related to strategic lines and generation challenges knowledge. 



