20041112-Almudena Gómez y Patricia Palma, elegidas delegada y subdelegada de la Universidad de Navarra
Almudena Gómez and Patricia Palma, elected as delegate and sub-delegate of the University
Almudena Gómez Hormigos, a 5th year Medicine student, and Patricia Palma Pérez, a 5th year Pharmacy student, are the new delegate and subdelegate of the University of Navarra for the 2004-2005 academic year. The students were elected in a vote in which the thirty representatives of the fifteen Schools of the academic center participated.
Delegates of the Schools:
Patricia Arroqui Arroqui, delegate
Iñaki Esteban Valencia, subdelegate
Technical Architecture
Ivanka Ibisate Legarda, delegate
Miguel Ángel Gabanez Ibeas, sub-delegate
School of Sciences
Francisco Javier Freire Salinas, delegate
Rubén Martínez Barricarte, subdelegate
School of Economics
José María Gaite Pérez, delegate
Julián González Muniesa, subdelegate
School of Nursing
Clara Isabel Medina Perdomo, delegate
Aintzane Pérez Anguís, subdelegate
School of Communication
Santiago Zayas Calvo, delegate
Patricio Asensi Poveda, subdelegate
School of Law
Francisco de Borja Arjona Jiménez, delegate
Paula Álvarez-Ossorio, subdelegate
School of Canon Law
Usbaldo Castaño Zapata, delegate
Javier Bernal Gimeno, subdelegate
School of Pharmacy
Javier Lombilla Gutiérrez, delegate
Patricia Palma Pérez, subdelegate
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Andrea Arruiz Sanz, delegate
Jesús Soria Magaña, subdelegate
Engineering School
Iñigo Lanz Lozano, delegate
Juan Fernández García, subdelegate
School of Medicine
Roberto Fernández Torrón, delegate
Almudena Gómez Hormigos, Deputy Delegate
School of Theology
Anderson Bastista de Silva, delegate
Simeón Leónidas Reyes García, subdelegate
School Ecclesiastical Philosophy
Rolando Monteza Calderón, delegate
Pedro Ignacio Utrilla Soria, subdelegate
ISSA (high school Superior of Secretarial and Administrative Services)
Begonya Armengol Fabón, delegate of ISSA
Yaiza Baroja Rodríguez, subdelegate of ISSA