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Students and DYA Navarra together in class

The third year nursing students carried out a dynamic activity and were able to be nurses and patients in the ambulances.

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12/11/18 15:27 Ángela Martí

The third year students of the University of Navarra NursingSchool have had the opportunity to share classroom with the DYA Navarra in the subject Nursing Care for Adults III with Dr. Prof. Leire Ambrosio.

With this activity the intention was "tolearn the fundamental and basic aspects for dealing with a patient with a polytrauma, from the nursing perspective," says Dr. Ambrosio. To do this, "it is important that students put themselves in status, empathize and know how to make a good evaluation of the event and learn firsthand the work of nursing in these situations," she concludes.

The session had a first theoretical part where the basic knowledge was taught and then put into action. In the internship part, the students had the opportunity to see the ambulance, simulate real accident scenarios and learn what are the aspects core topic when attending a person with a polytrauma and his family.



