16 students and two professors of the Schools Ecclesiastical Pilgrimage to Rome
They participated in the audience with the Pope and gave him a picture of the Virgin of seminar International Bidasoa, which this year celebrates its 30th anniversary.

A group made up of 16 students and two professors from the University of Navarra's Ecclesiastical Schools went on a pilgrimage to Rome at the end of May for a cultural immersion that allowed them to get to know the city in depth.
They participated in the audience with Pope Francis and were able to greet him at the end; they shared a get-together with Bishop Fernando Ocáriz, prelate of Opus Dei; they celebrated Mass in the Catacombs of St. Callixtus; and they were able to be next to the Gate of St. Martha, the Pope's place of worship residency program . "We walked a average of about 20km each day," recalls Professor Onésimo Díaz.
In his meeting with the Holy Father, he was given a scholarship of the last graduation of the School of TheologyThe Holy Father was presented with a prayer card of the Virgin of Bidasoa, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, and a prayer card of the priest and professor who died high school Mayor Bidasoa, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, and a prayer card of the priest and professor, Juan Antonio Gil Tamayo, who died a few months ago. They especially remember the affection with which the Pope welcomed them after the audience and described the experience as "incredible".