Luis Alberto Rosales: "Every year more than 2,000 people are trained between Rome and Pamplona thanks to the financial support of the CARF Foundation financial aid ".
The director of the Roman Academic Center Foundation visited the Schools Ecclesiastical of the University of Navarra.

financial aid "Every year more than 2,000 people are trained at the University of Navarra and the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, thanks to the financial support provided by the Roman Academic Center Foundation (CARF)". This was affirmed by Luis Alberto Rosales, director of the CARF, in the visit that he made to the students of the Schools Ecclesiastics of the University of Navarra on Friday, February 22.
During the session, which he held with more than 200 students, he recalled that currently there is no state financial aid that pays the degree program of the students of the Schools Ecclesiastical, so each person must seek their own help. In this sense, CARF supports them in two different ways: one, by making the price of the enrollment lower; and two, by complementing the scholarships that the students receive.
February 14 marked the 30th anniversary of the birth of the CARF Foundation, whose goal is to help in the academic, human and spiritual formation of priests and seminarians from the five continents. To this end, it relies on the financial aid of 90,000 benefactors, who freely make financial contributions. "Each one financial aid with what they can, there are even those who give 3 euros a year," he said.
Rosales also recalled that the dissemination of CARF's work is very important, given that, through the testimony of the priests and seminarians themselves, not only are donations obtained, but also a positive image of the Church is transmitted, since they are priests with very good training, and new vocations arise.