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4th grade students from Chemistry visit Viscofan

13 | 12 | 2022

A group of fourth year students of Degree at Chemistry visited the facilities of Viscofan, business located in Cáseda. There they were able to see first-hand some of the main processes involved in the production of food casings - cellulose, collagen and fibrous, among others - for the production of sausages.

This training visit is part of the subject of Engineering Chemistry / Materials Science that is taught in the 4th year of Degree of Chemistry and the teachers in charge, Adrian Duran and Javier Peñas, have participated in it. Peñas has commented that this subject of activities enriches the teachings taught at classroom:"The students have valued very positively this visit because, beyond the academic world where they have been training these last four years, they have felt the reality of the industrial production Chemistry exemplified in a group world leader in its sector".

The group Viscofan, with some twenty production plants on four continents and more than 5,000 employees, is a world leader in the manufacture of food packaging.



