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Getting to know Pamplona stroke by stroke

Students of 1st year Architecture at the University of Navarra discover the architectural and cultural value of Pamplona through drawings

FotoCedida/Universityof Navarra Architecture students discover the architectural value of Pamplona by visiting buildings and drawing them.

13 | 12 | 2024

The Museum of Navarra, the file General, the Civivox Condestable, the Cathedral of Pamplona... The students of the 1st year of the Degree in programs of study of Architecture of the University of Navarra have spent several weeks discovering emblematic buildings of the capital through drawing.

The professors of the School of Architecture have designed an exercise in which several subjects collaborate and which has consisted of carrying out, throughout October and November, tours for students to get to know several buildings in Pamplona, visiting them and making quick drawings in each one of them. "Many 1st year students are from outside Navarre. As it is their first year, they do not know the cultural possibilities that Pamplona can offer them. At the same time, in the training of the architect, the development of the sensitivity for beauty and cultural concern are something fundamental and that we try to sow from the beginning of his training. Pamplona has museums of great interest, as well as buildings of historical architectural value," explains Pilar Salazar, professor at the University's School of Architecture . 

The students visited and drew the Civivox Condestable

They also visited the Museum of Navarra

Stroke by stroke, they discover the possibilities of drawing and details of places that, otherwise, they might not have noticed. "The hand and the quick sketch drawing, at street level, are the best way to collect an impression, a detail, to capture and save in the report a building. Drawing is the architect's fundamental tool . In the first year, student teaches the control of proportions, the study of light and how to capture it, and the mastery of some graphic expression techniques," explains Pilar Salazar.

Thanks to the partnership of all the entities that manage these buildings, they have visited the file Real y General de Navarra, the Museum of Navarra, the Cathedral, the Civivox Condestable, the headquarters of the Mancomunidad in the old convent of the Salesas and the exhibition halls of the Citadel.

One of the drawings of the 1st year Architecture student Pedro Riesgo García, in this case of the Mancomunidad's headquarters, located in the old Salesas convent.



