University and APRI launch a Public Affairs Observatory
The School of Communication of the University and the association of Professionals of Institutional Relations (APRI) have signed a partnership agreement .

FotoCedida/CharoSádaba, dean of the School of Communication, and Carlos Parry, president of APRI.
14 | 03 | 2025
The School of Communication of the University of Navarra and the association of Institutional Relations Professionals have signed a partnership agreement to develop a Public Affairs Observatory in Spain. Given the growth of the function and the sector, with more and more specialized agencies, professionals and Departments in organizations, a first task of the Observatory will be to x-ray the status of institutional relations professionals.
The Observatory aims to be a center of reference letter for programs of study on Public Affairs, lobbying and institutional relations; a forum of study and publication of reports and scientific articles through the interdisciplinary partnership of academics and professionals. The goal is to keep abreast of changes in the sector, regulation and contextual changes, as well as to promote the training of students and professionals in this field.
The dean of the School of Communication, Charo Sádaba, has valued the partnership with the association of Institutional Relations Professionals and highlighted: "The creation of this Observatory is part of the School 's commitment to public affairs, both in research and teaching. This area is consolidated as the third pillar of the Master's Degree in Political and Corporate Communication (MCPC), which we teach in Madrid. With this agreement, we affirm our commitment to the sector through research and knowledge dissemination".
Carlos Parry, president of APRI, added: "The creation of the Observatory is a milestone for the entire Public Affairs sector in Spain. The radiography and reports that will be published will be endorsed by the prestigious researcher of the University of Navarra and will be at the service of professionals and researchers, serving as a reference letter for an optimal development of the function".
research and knowledge dissemination
The Observatory is an initiative of the School of Communication of the University of Navarra and the APRI Forum of Organizations, in which the following entities participate for a public-private dialogue anchored in the values of ethics, integrity and transparency: Angelini Pharma, Asertiva, association Española Contra el Cáncer, Astrazeneca, Burson, Clínica Universidad de Navarra, committee Español para la Defensa de la Discapacidad y la Dependencia, Corteva, Evercom, Ferrovial, FTI Consulting, group Social Once, Harmon Corporate Affairs, ING, LLYC, Merck, Moeve, Naturgy, Novartis, Omnicom Group, Political Intelligence, Roman, Silvan & Miracle and Vall Companys.
The Observatory will prepare annual reports and a radiography of the sector that will allow different professionals and publics to situate themselves in the reality of the profession. In view of the possibility that a regulation of lobbying in Spain will soon be approved, it is important to know the issue of professionals and the fundamental data on their reality, as well as the challenges they face in their day-to-day work. It also aims to provide reliable information to society and the media.
About the School of Communication of the University of Navarra
The School of Communication is a pioneer in research and programs of study on Journalism and Public Opinion. Since 1958 it has been developing its research and professor activities in Pamplona, and since 2018 in Madrid, where it teaches two postgraduate programs on Political and Corporate Communication, with a specialization program in Public Affairs, and on the management of Communication Companies.
With more than 16,000 alumni around the world and in different sectors, the School trains communication professionals who aspire to understand, transform and serve society through excellence in their work and the search for truth, with a solid foundation in freedom, ethics, creativity and critical thinking.
About APRI
Founded in 2007, APRI represents institutional relations, public affairs and lobbying professionals in Spain, with the goal of promoting the profession and raising public awareness of its value.
APRI brings together more than 300 professionals and 24 organizations, operating in all economic and social sectors of the country.
APRI is convinced that institutional relations should be the most effective link between the legitimate interests of civil society and the decisions of general interest taken by policy makers and public authorities, and advocates for a regulation of the activity in Spain similar to the Transparency Register that already exists in European institutions.
In addition, APRI is a founding member of the European Public Affairs Platform (Public Affairs Community of Europe - PACE), created in 2018 to bring together national organizations of public affairs professionals in Europe.