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Two theologians from the University of Navarra analyze the pontificate of John Paul II in a book published on the occasion of his beatification.

Lucas Francisco Mateo-Seco talks about 'The sanctity of a pontificate' and Francisco Varo reviews 'The thought of the philosopher Pope in ten words'.

14/04/11 10:01
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Francisco Lucas Mateo-Seco and Francisco Varo, professors of the School of Theology at the University of Navarra, have collaborated in the book The Saint We All Knew. John Paul II: process, miracle, favors and testimonies. (Palabra).

The Issue, promoted by the director and the editor-in-chief of the magazine Christian WorldThe book was published on the occasion of the beatification of John Paul II on May 1. The prologue is written by Cardinal Antonio Mª Rouco Varela.

In the chapter 'The sanctity of a pontificate' Lucas Francisco Mateo-Seco analyzes 'The sanctity of a pontificate', while Francisco Varo reviews 'The thought of the Pope philosopher in ten words'.



