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The University of Navarra organizes a lecture series on the status political in the Middle East.

Among others, the journalist Manuel Martorell, who will speak about the Kurds, and the historian David Pérez, who will give a talk about Turkey.

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15/01/16 17:24 Macarena Izquierdo

The University of Navarra will hold from January 18 to 22 the informative lecture series 'Hegemons and allies: geopolitics in the Middle East'. The conference, open to the general public, are organized by the Agrupación Universitaria por Oriente Medio Medio (AUNOM), in partnership with the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) and Alumni.

On Monday 18, Pablo Pérez, Full Professor in Contemporary History at the University of Navarra, will give the session 'Soviet-Russian foreign policy in the Middle East'. On Tuesday 19, Javier Gil, PhD in History and partner of project 'Religion and Civil Society' of the ICS, will speak on 'American foreign policy in the Middle East'.

On Wednesday 20th it will be the turn of Beatriz Gutiérrez, from the European University of Madrid, with the talk 'Friend or Foe: the Syrian crossroads'. On Thursday 21, David Pérez, PhD in Contemporary History from the University of Valladolid, will present 'Turkey: an actor core topic in the Near and Middle East'.

Finally, on Friday 22, journalist Manuel Martorell, a specialist in the Middle East and the Kurdish people, will give the session 'Kurdistan: pluralism and diversity in the Middle East'.

AUNOM is a group promoted by students of the University committed to the status in the Middle East and coordinated by Santiago Martinez, professor of Contemporary History at School of Philosophy and Letters.


- Monday, January 18. Soviet-Russian foreign policy in the Middle East', Pablo Pérez (University of Navarra).

- Tuesday, January 19. US foreign policy in the Middle East', Javier Gil (ICS, University of Navarra).

- Wednesday, January 20. Friend or Foe: the Syrian crossroads', Beatriz Gutiérrez (European University of Madrid).

- Thursday, January 21. Turkey: an actor core topic in the Near and Middle East', David Pérez (University of Valladolid).

- Friday, January 22. Kurdistan: pluralism and diversity in the Middle East', Manuel Martorell (journalist).

Place: classroom 4, School de Comunicación, University of Navarra

Time: 14.30h.-15.45h.



