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The Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates, Omar Obaid Alshamsi, visit .

The diplomat has held a meeting with students of Degree of International Relations.

PhotoManuelCastells/Ambassador Omar Obaid Alshamsi with students of the Degree of International Relations of the University of Navarra.

15 | 05 | 2024

The Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates, Omar Obaid Alshamsi, visited the University of Navarra today and held a meeting with students of meeting Degree of International Relations.  

Accompanied by the Associate Dean of research of the School of Law, Juan Cianciardo, the ambassador and the head of department of Political Affairs, Media and Diplomacy, Ibrahim Alnuaimi, explained to the students the history of their country, with 9 million inhabitants of 200 different nationalities; and what are its relations with Spain. Also its main lines of action in foreign policy. 

As they have pointed out, Spain and the United Arab Emirates have 52 years of cooperation and diplomatic relations that have resulted in the signature of 40 treaties, mainly in culture, humanitarian affairs, defense and security and cybersecurity. There are currently 100 Spanish companies operating in the country.

The meeting explained the keys that define the system educational of the United Arab Emirates and the government's commitment to training and empowerment of young people and women. Among other data, they highlighted that 77% of Emirati women enroll in higher Education after high school and that they represent 64% of all university graduates in the UAE. In addition, 41% of UAE government university graduates in subject STEM are women. In another moment of his speech, the ambassador has exposed what is and work performed from the diplomatic school Anwar Gargash Academy

The ambassador also visited the exhibition on Arabic calligraphy installed at the Library Services of the University and the Museum of the University of Navarra.



