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The School of Nursing joins the Simulation Week 2020

With activities such as sessions on "Simulation in times of COVID", this week has as goal to give visibility to professionals who use simulation to improve health care.

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15/09/20 16:31 Laura Juampérez

From September 14 to 20, the School of Nursing of the University of Navarra joins the Healthcare Simulation Week, organized by the SSH since 2017 and that has as purpose make visible the professionals and initiatives that resort to simulation as a method to improve safety, effectiveness and efficacy in patient health care.

On this occasion, the Center for Nursing Simulation (CSE) of the School has organized several activities. The first one, on Monday 14th, is an online open doorsworkshop for students of 1st year Nursing, who can access the CSE facilities at any time of the day through this website. link.

On Tuesday 15 there will be an explanatory session on the functioning of the CSE with its technician, Luis Cumba, directed especially to academic staff of the School. This session will take place at 11 a.m. and requires previous registration through the e-mail

On Wednesday 16, and also with registration prior by sending an email to, whoever wishes may visit the CSE from home, in a session entitled "Simulation in times of Covid".

Finally, the activities planned for this special week will close with abrainstormingsession under degree scroll "How to improve simulation by adapting it to the needs in Covid times", to be held at 1 pm.

A way of teaching and learning adapted to the health crisis

In the opinion of its director, Professor Virginia La Rosa, this year the School joins the international week "highlighting the important role of online/virtual simulation. This way of teaching and learning is adapted to the health crisis we are experiencing, but also to a subject of students for whom the virtual world is the main communication interface".

For the specialist of the University of Navarra's Nursing School , "a door has been opened that does not replace what we were already doing, but rather complements it, maintaining the cognitive, affective and even, partially, the psychomotor part of our students' learning".



