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Psychologist joins ICS to research issues related to marital success and therapy

Martiño Rodríguez-González, an accredited family therapist, will join project AMAR and a new line on professional intervention strategies pioneered in the Spanish-speaking world.

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Martiño Rodríguez-González
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
15/11/18 16:48 Isabel Solana

Martiño Rodríguez-González, graduate and PhD in Psychology, has joined the project 'Education 'of the affectivity and human sexuality' (EASH) of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra.

Accredited family therapist, he has been director of the Diocesan Family Guidance Center of Lugo for five years and has made stays of research in Canada (University of Ottawa), USA (Georgetown Family Center, Washington, D.C.) and Portugal (University of Porto and University of Coimbra). He has also been a guest researcher at Brigham Young University (Utah, USA).

Her field of study is marriage, considered from both a clinical perspective and rules and regulations. Specifically, Rodriguez-Gonzalez details that her specialization program is "the affectivedevelopment , in the marital and family setting, and its relationship with affective maturity and the capacity for emotional self-regulation". She also studies effective intervention strategies "to help marriages and couples who have difficulties, conflicts... at final, who wish to continue their life together but are not happy".

Thus, the center will support the work of group in these matters, both in the project AMAR and in a new line to adequately assist marriages with difficulties.

Couples therapy focused on emotions

"The main project of which I will be at position is a clinicalessay on the effectiveness of one of the most promising couple therapy models currently available in the field of professional intervention in marriage and couple therapy: the model emotion-focused couple therapy," he explains.

From agreement with Professor Rodriguez-Gonzalez, this model was initiated in Canada by Susan Johnson, Professor Emeritus at the University of Ottawa, and has numerous investigations with couples in Canada and the U.S., but no studies of effectiveness have yet been conducted in Spanish-speaking countries.

EASH aims to be a pioneer in the Spanish-speaking world, launching a project in which researchers from three countries and four different universities -University of Navarra, Brigham Young University, University of Ottawa and University of Quebec at Gatineau- will participate, and which will be implemented in three countries (Mexico, Costa Rica and Spain).

Martiño Rodríguez-González emphasizes that the ICS "is an interdisciplinary center, located in Spain, backed by a solid institution, and that it makes a clear and sustained commitment to research". In addition, he emphasizes that "there is no public or private university in Spain that is making a commitment to research on issues of marriage and family as the University of Navarra is doing through the ICS and EASH".

The new researcher of high school emphasizes that "the university is called to lead the world of ideas and training in society, but this is only possible through projects that do not seek short-term benefits deadline". For him, the ICS "has the necessary conditions to be this place".



