A contest promotes in Navarra the development of statistics projects among ESO students, high school diploma and Degree
It is promoted by the University of Navarra, the Public University of Navarra, the Navarra Society of Mathematics Teachers, the high school of Statistics of Navarra and the Government of Navarra.
A competition seeks promote the development of statistics projects among students studying ESO, high school diploma or a Formative Cycle of Degree basic or medium in educational centers of Navarra during the current academic year. This is the 2016-2017 edition of the 'Incubadora de Sondeos y Experimentos' contest.
The initiative is organized by the Statistical Unit of the Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Navarra (ICS) and the department of Statistics and Operations research of the Public University of Navarra (UPNA), with the partnership of the Navarra Society of Mathematics Teachers "TORNAMIRA" - Matematika Irakasleen Nafar Elkartea, the Navarra Institute of Statistics and the department of Education of the Government of Navarra.
The participants will have to write a work/project on statistics, probability or research , to be presented as a text document. The topic of the work is free: Society, Health, Ecology, Economics and Consumption, Environment, etc.
The realization will be in groupwith a maximum of 4 students tutored by a professor of their center. There are three categories: 1st and 2nd year of ESO, 3rd and 4th year of ESO and Training Cycles of Degree basic, and high school diploma and intermediate Degree training cycles..
Prizes and participation in the national phaseThe registration can be made by sending an email before March 24, 2017 to incubadora@unav.es. In it, the names of the components of the group, the professor tutor, the center and the category will be indicated. The maximum date for submission of the papers will be May 6.
Each student and tutor of the winning groups will receive a award. The jury will also select the representative or representatives of Navarra in the national phase, to be held in Asturias, from 28 to 30 June 2017. All participants and their tutors will receive an accrediting diploma . The submission awards and diplomas will be presented at a public event.