The University, second best university in Spain according to the CYD ranking
It is also first in Spain in the areas of Medicine and Pharmacy.

FotoManuelCastells/The University of Navarra is first in Spain in "International Orientation"; and second in "teaching and Learning".
16 | 05 | 2024
The University of Navarra is the second best university in Spain according to the CYD ranking, after obtaining 29 high performing indicators out of the 36 possible in this classification. The ranking evaluates 81 of the 89 Spanish universities (48 public and 33 private), in 30 areas of knowledge and through more than 3,000 degrees. Due to the issue of indicators and the number of data used, it is the most complete ranking of the Spanish university system.
The University of Navarra is second in Spain behind the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Both obtain 29 indicators from high performing, but the Catalan university obtains one more indicator of average performance. The University of Navarra is the first of all private universities and the only one in the top five positions.
The CYD ranking analyzes Spanish universities with 36 indicators, divided into five areas: "teaching and learning", "research", "Transfer of knowledge", "International orientation" and "Contribution to regional development ". The University of Navarra is first in Spain in "International Orientation", with all the indicators of high performing. In addition, it is second in "teaching and Learning", with eight out of nine indicators of high performing in that area; and third in the areas of "research", tied with Pompeu Fabra, with seven indicators of high performing out of a possible eight; and in "Transfer of knowledge", where it is tied with four other universities, with six indicators of high performing out of a possible eight.
In addition, the ranking has published its classification in nine areas of knowledge, all of them from area biosanitary. In these, the University of Navarra is first in Spain in Medicine and Pharmacy. In Medicine, it obtained 30 indicators out of 48 from high performing, five more than the second university in the ranking. In Pharmacy, it obtains first place with 22 indicators from high performing out of a total of 44 available, two more than the second.
Navarra, Spain's leading autonomous community
According to the CYD ranking, Navarra's university system is the first in Spain among the autonomous communities, ahead of Catalonia and the Basque Country. The region stands out in teaching and learning and research and International Orientation, areas in which it is first, but also in Transfer of knowledge, where it is second in Spain.
The ranking uses what the CYD Foundation calls "approach multidimensional" with indicators elaborated from data from three groups of sources: the universities themselves, the public administration (through the Integrated University Information System or the Bursar's Office of the Social Security) and the bibliometric and patent information elaborated by SCImago Lab (from Scopus, Web of Science and PATSTAT).