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Economics and IESE professors publish article in Academy of Management Journal

The scientific journal is ranked second in the world in the 'Business' category and third in the 'Management' category.

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16/06/16 11:09 Miguel M. Ariztegi

A team of researchers from the University of Navarra's School of Economics and its business school, IESE, has published a scientific article in the journal Academy of Management Journal. The publication is considered the issue 2 journal in the world in the Business category (115 journals) and issue 3 in the Management category (185 journals), from agreement to the JCR(Journal Citation Report-Impact Factor), so it is listed as "excellent" in any list of publications of area of business.

Carmen Aranda and Javier Arellano from School of Economics and Antonio Dávila from IESE are the authors of Organizational Learning in Target Setting. Of the total of 3,300 articles indexed in the journal as of April 2016, there are only 13 with Spanish participation, and only one signed exclusively by Spanish researchers. This is the second.

"The article is the result of a project of research that analyzes the phenomenon of organizational learning in general and the goal-setting process in particular," explains Javier Arellano, Associate Dean Alumni School of Economics at the University of Navarra. The research analyzes the way in which companies combine different sources of information to determine the quantitative objectives of their business units.

"Particularly relevant" for growing companies

"Specifically, work demonstrates the existence of a learning process according to which the role played by information about the previous performance of each business unit (experiential learning) and the information on the performance of the other business units (vicarious learning) changes as the business units mature," explains Arellano.

Likewise, the learning that results from positive and negative performances (successes and failures) is also different for different periods in the life of the organizations. "Moreover, the results show that in the early stages of the life of new business units, the interaction of different forms of learning is particularly important for the correct estimation of their objectives. For this reason, the results of the study are especially relevant for companies immersed in periods of expansion," adds Carmen Aranda.



