"The important thing is not in the end, but in what has been learned in the process."
José Manuel Vásquez, delegate of the Master's Degree in Banking and Financial Regulation, in the graduation ceremony of Masters of the School of Economics.

The classroom Magna of Central Building hosted the graduation ceremony of the students of postgraduate program who during the academic year 16/17 have completed one of the master's degrees offered by the School of Economics: Master's Degree of Banking and Financial Regulation (MBRF), Master in Economics and Finance (MEF) and Master's Degree of Personnel Management Service in Organizations (MDPO).
The delegates from each program thanked the professors and staff staff and administrative staff (PAS) of School for the attention received during this academic year, as well as the opportunities provided by the master's program, such as the MBRF's Frankfurt and London Week, the workshops and conferences organized by the MEF, and the MDPO's IESE Program.
José Manuel Vásquez, representing the MBRF, reminded his fellow students that "the important thing is not in the end, but in what they have learned in the process". Nicholas Jaeger, MEF delegate, encouraged the students to develop " self-confidence" and to look for a work that "really makes them happy". As MDPO delegate, Mateo Echeverría, highlighted the importance of understanding the complexity of people and stressed the importance of "always putting people above numbers".
The Dean of the School, Ignacio Ferrero, shared with the new graduates the words of John Paul II: "Remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm and look to the future with confidence". Ferrero encouraged them to be grateful, to approach their work as a tool of service and to continue learning in this new part of their professional career. He also advised them to look at the world with kindness and to understand professional success as their own development as people.
This ceremony marked the end of the academic year for the master's degree program at School. Over the next few months, the majority of the students will be trained and will be incorporated into their new positions of work institutions in the banking, auditing and automotive sectors, among others, such as the European Central Bank, PWC, EY, Accenture, Mc Donalds, Inditex or Seat.. Others, will continue the work of research in the realization of the thesis doctoral at Economics. It should be noted that the 100% of the students have achieved a position in the labor market or in the academic world.