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The University celebrates the 25th anniversary of partnership with the Antonio Aranzabal Foundation and its support for the research

During these years, the Chair of Fluid Thermal Engineering and the Chair of Sustainability of the School of Engineering-Tecnun has been promoted.

FotoManuelCastells/La president María Iraburu with the president of the Foundation, Maite Aranzábal.

16 | 09 | 2024

The University wanted to commemorate and express its gratitude for the 25 years of partnership between the Antonio Aranzábal Foundation and the School of Engineering-Tecnun. A partnership that has materialized in the support to the academic research and that has been materialized in the Chair of Thermal Engineering of Fluids, with the defense of a score of thesis , the publication of more than 60 scientific articles and the development of about 30 projects of research; and, from 2022, in the Chair of Sustainability.

The event was presided over by president, María Iraburu. "This act of gratitude is an example of one of the invisible pillars of the University of Navarra," said president. "The Antonio Aranzábal Foundation is an example of all those people who have had the vision to support the research, see the impact it has on society and to bet on trust," she added. The president highlighted the closeness that both institutions have maintained throughout these years, affirming that the Antonio Aranzábal Foundation is part of "that network of friends that sustains us; and when we jump, it propels us upwards".

Maite Aranzábal, patron of the Foundation, thanked the University for its recognition. "The partnership with Tecnun keeps the values of the Foundation alive, financial aid toinnovation and continues to bring prosperity to the area". Likewise, Jokin Aranzábal, trustee and former student of Tecnun, added that the cooperation with the School of Engineering has made the Foundation able to "share the values of the house, of the University of Navarra".

The event was also attended by Raúl Antón, director of the School of Engineering-Tecnun, who thanked "the 25 years in which they have helped the University of Navarra to train good professionals and people, in the same way that all the people who make up the Foundation are". His thesis was the first one financed by the board of trustees of the Antonio Aranzábal Foundation. Also present was Alejandro Rivas, Full Professor of Tecnun's Mechanical Engineering and the first researcher to be attached to Chair since its foundation in 2000. He also emphasized the human factor: "It is people who shape institutions and society, and the Antonio Aranzábal Foundation is an example of this, transmitting the unconditional principles of its founder, Antonio Aranzábal". 



