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Ten 'must-have' guidelines to curb childhood obesity

On the occasion of World Food Day, experts from the University of Navarra warn about the consumption of added sugars or ultra-processed products.

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Members of the research center in Nutrition of the University of Navarra, where they work on different lines of work on obesity.
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
16/10/18 12:29 Laura Juampérez

On the occasion of World Food Day, a group of experts from research center in Nutrition (CIN) of the University of Navarra and high school of research Sanitaria de Navarra(IdiSNA) offers ten "essential" guidelines to curb childhood obesity, which in Spain reaches around 18% of the population and rises to 23% in the case of overweight.

The first slogan to reduce obesity among young people is the dailyinternship of at least 30 minutes of exercise. This is what Alfredo Martínez -Full Professor of Nutrition and researcher of CIBEROBN-, Nerea Martín -pediatrician and researcher of project SENDO, promoted by department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at partnership with the Navarra Health Service-; Amelia Martí -Physiology professor and manager of project NUGENOI- and Santiago Navas -Dr. in Nutrition and pharmacist and researcher in the multicenter project MELIPOP, coordinated by CIBEROBN-,

Secondly, experts warn against the frequent or even daily consumption of snacks, jelly beans, etc.: "Sweets should be very limited. Under no circumstances should they be consumed on a daily basis. The same goes for ultra-processed products, such as sausages, which should be limited to special occasions," they point out.

With regard to sugar, they warn that it is not advisable to exceed 25 grams of added sugar per day (about 100 kilocalories), which is why it is so important to read the labeling of products such as cookies, sugary drinks or pastries, which often exceed this "healthy" daily intake. "And not only sugars, but also refined flours in the form of white bread, pasta, etc., should be monitored," they stress.

Fruits and vegetables: whole and unpeeled, not in juice

Regarding fruits and vegetables -which should be consumed daily-, the ideal for experts is that they should be eaten whole, unpeeled and not in juice. " Fish is another source of proteins and fats subject omega 3 quality, so we aim for 3 to 5 servings a week, of which two are oily fish."

Dairy products are also essential in a complete children's per diem expenses : " Milk - but not vegetable drinks - and yoghurts - natural or unsweetened - should be consumed every day. And when we talk about yogurts, we are not referring to other desserts such as custard or custard subject ", they clarify.

The ninth recommendation of the experts is that children should not leave home without breakfast: "In fact, there is a relationship of higher obesity rates in children who do not eat breakfast and these, in addition, tend to have a lower school performance," they report.

Finally, experts insist on the need for greater nutritional Education in all areas: "Nutrition should enter the classroom if we want to help curb this pandemic, which also represents a mortgage for future generations, since obesity is more common in children with obese parents and we are also studying the relationship between the per diem expenses of the mother during gestation and the development subsequent obesity in the child," reports Professor Alfredo Martinez, president of the International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS).

World Food Day completes its celebration at the University of Navarra with a roundtable open to the public that will take place this noon, at 14 30 h., at the auditorium of Sciences Building with Dr. Marta Germán, from Hospital 12 de Octubre; Dr. Gloria Bueno, from Hospital Lozano Blesa; and Dr. Fernando Calatayud, from the platform Nutritional Pediatrics.

Ten guidelines against childhood obesity
  1. Exercise at least 30 minutes daily.

  2. Limit consumption of snacks, gummies, etc.

  3. Reduce consumption of ultra-processed products such as sausages.

  4. Do not exceed 25 grams of added sugar per day (about 100 kilocalories).

  5. Limit consumption of refined flours in the form of white bread, pasta, etc.

  6. Consume vegetables and fruits daily; whole, unpeeled and not in juice.

  7. Consume 3 to 5 servings of fish, two of them oily fish.

  8. Drink plain unsweetened milk or yogurt every day.

  9. Do not leave home without breakfast.

  10. Promote the Education nutritional in all areas.



