14 experts analyze the epistemological relationship between science and religion during a workshop
- The meeting has been organized by the group "Science, Reason and Faith" (CRYF) of the academic center, the University of Oxford and the Templeton Foundation.
A group of 14 experts from different universities in Spain and Argentina have analyzed the epistemological relationship between science and religion during a workshop held at the University of Navarra. The meeting, graduate "The difficult epistemological relationship between science and religion", was organized by the Science, Philosophy and Theology, Latin American Perspectives program of the University of Oxford; by the Templeton Foundation, through its project An Epistemological Analysis of the Science and Religion Dialogue, based at the Universidad Católica Argentina, in Buenos Aires; and the group de research "Ciencia, Razón y Fe" (CRYF) of the University of Navarra.
The workshop has explored the dialogue between science and religion from a fundamentally epistemic approach , giving a partial answer to the relevance and necessity of incorporating the Philosophy, especially the Philosophy of science, in this dialogue.
The first workshop began with a session by researcher Christián Carman, from the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, whose response was offered by Professor Santiago Collado. The following speakers were Ricard Casadesús, from the Universitat Ramón Llull; Óscar Beltrán, from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Argentina, with a response from Francisco Gallardo; Enrique Moros, from the Universidad de Navarra; and Gonzalo Luis Recio, from the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, who was answered by Professor Jorge Martín Montoya.
The second workshop was opened by Ignacio del Carril, from the Universidad Austral, and was answered by Professor Rubén Herce. The second session was followed by José V. Orón, from Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Navarra, and Javier Sánchez Cañizares, director of group CRYF. position The last session, which closed the meeting, was given by Daniel Blanco, from UNL Santa Fe, who was answered by Professor Antonio Pardo.