University researchers present scientific papers at international congresses on Education character in Latin America
They have participated in activities held in Oxford (UK), St. Louis (USA), Murcia and Seville.
PHOTO: Courtesy
Members of the University of Navarra's project 'Investigar y promote la Education del carácter en escuelas de secundaria en Latinoamérica' present scientific papers at four international conferences in Oxford (UK), St. Louis (USA), Murcia and Seville.
The project is jointly developed by the School of Education and Psychology and the Institute for Culture and Society University of Navarra and is funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation.
Daniel Moulin-Stozek has given the discussion paper 'A Social Theory of Virtue and its Implications for the Education of Character' at the 43 meeting of the association for Education Moral, which has been held from 2-4 November 2017 in St. Louis (USA).
Concepción Naval and Ángel Sobrino took part in the 10th Annual International congress on Education, research and Innovation (ICERI), which was held in Seville from November 16 to 18. They presented the poster 'An exploratory Delphi study on Education of character in Latin American countries: Argentina, Colombia and Mexico', as well as the communication 'How do high school students in Mexico perceive self-discipline'.
On the other hand, the team presents virtually the communication 'Investigar y promote la Education del carácter para una nueva ciudadanía' at the XIV congress Internacional de Teoría de la Education, which will be held at the University of Murcia from November 21 to 23.
Likewise, Concepción Naval and Apolinar Varela are present at the 6th Annual congress of the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, University of Birmingham (UK). It takes place from January 4-6, 2018 in Oxford under the degree scroll 'Virtues in the Public Sphere'. They offer the paper 'Reflections on a program educational on morals and civic virtues and values in secondary schools. A case study in Mexico'.