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A nursing student wins a competition short story contest at the Antonio de Nebrija University.

Paula Fernández, will receive the award for her work "Nurse of the world and for the world", on February 28th in Madrid.

18/02/13 17:18 Laura Latorre
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Paula Fernandez
PHOTO: Courtesy


result Paula Fernández Sangil, a fourth-year nursing student at the University of Navarra, has won the XIV "San Juan de Dios" Short Story competition , organized by the Antonio de Nebrija University of Madrid, for her work "Enfermera del mundo y para el mundo"(Nurse of the world and for the world). The submission of the award will be held on February 28, at the university center.
Through a day as a nurse, the work has tried to transmit the qualities that a professional must have to carry out her daily activity. Examples of patient cases show the keys to communication, relationship, involvement, respect for the dignity of the patient, the need for a strong scientific basis, work as a team, etc.
The contest was open to Nursing and Physiotherapy students and professionals, and its aim was to stimulate literary creation based on the experience of caring and to raise awareness of the human situations that arise around illness and health care. goal .



