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Intermediate Project Critiques at Master's Degree at design Architectural

The students presented to a jury of experts the work developed at subject , taught by professors Gonçalo Byrne and Joâo Nunes (Portugal).

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18/03/16 14:48

The students of the Master's Degree in design Architectural of the School of Architecture presented before a jury of experts the projects developed in the subject taught by Gonçalo Byrne and Joâo Nunes (Portugal). 

The project of this semester has consisted in the landscaping of the current space that houses the facilities of Monte del Gozo (in Santiago de Compostela) and to have one or more buildings on it.

The proposed exercise has sought to reinforce the significance of the Camino de Santiago on Monte do Gozo, since it is the first point on the Camino from which Santiago de Compostela can be seen. It also includes an intervention to restore the splendor of the so-called "Holiday City of Santiago de Compostela", a macro pilgrims' hostel built during Xacobeo 93 and which today is practically abandoned.

Trip to Santiago de Compostela

In order to develop this project, MDA students traveled to Santiago de Compostela accompanied by teachers Gonçalo Byrne and Joâo Nunes and Adjunct Professor Efrén Munárriz. During the trip they visited both the historic center of Santiago de Compostela and Monte do Gozo.

The local architect Cristina García Fontan explained to the students the history of the place and the original project and led to an interesting discussion on the future of the Camino de Santiago and Monte do Gozo.

The MDA students also had the opportunity to visit the Cathedral of Santiago, as well as different buildings of architectural interest in the Galician capital, such as the Contemporary Art Center (work of Álvaro Siza), the Bonaval Gardens, the Auditorium of Galicia (Cano Lasso) or the City of Culture (Peter Eisenman).



