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Two works by Mariano Artigas on evolutionism and on the Galileo case are published at Spanish .

Died in 2006, the professor of the School of Theology of the University of Navarra was a pioneer of the intellectual discussion between science and religion in Spain.

18/05/10 08:56
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Two works by Mariano Artigas, professor of the Ecclesiastical School of Philosophy of the University of Navarra, who died in 2006, have been published in Spanish . They are Six Evolutionist Catholics. El Vaticano frente a la Evolución (1877-1902), written together with professors Thomas F. Glick(Boston University) and Rafael A. Martínez(Pontifical University of the Holy Cross), and El caso Galileo. Myth and Reality, coauthored with William R. Shea(University of Padua).

The first of these works, published by the BAC, analyzes six cases involving Catholics who defended the compatibility between evolutionism and Christianity. The study is based on documents from the Vatican archives.

The second Issue is the translation of Galileo Observed, originally published in Science History Publications. The work reviews some of the reflections of historians, scientists, journalists and writers on the Galileo case over the centuries.

More than 20 books and 300 writings

Mariano Artigas (Zaragoza, 1938-2006) was a pioneer of the intellectual discussion between science and religion in Spain, and its major representative in this country during the last years. Former student and professor at the University of Barcelona, he consolidated his degree program as professor at the University of Navarra, where he founded the group of research "Ciencia Razón y Fe".    

His work, consisting of more than 20 books and 300 writings - articles, prologues, collective programs of study ... - has earned him numerous distinctions, including a award from the Templeton Foundation. His great international recognition is especially B in the Anglo-Saxon world.

In fact, in the last ten years he has published five books in prestigious American publishers(Oxford University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, University Press of America, Templeton Foundation Press), which makes him the Spanish philosopher who has published the most in this decade in the U.S. Also, several of his works have been published in German, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese or Korean.



