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Monsignor Iceta is committed to fostering lively creative minorities that transmit Christian identity

The Archbishop of Burgos closes the VIII conference of update Pastoral of the School of Theology of the University of Navarra.

FotoCedida/Mons.Mario Iceta, Archbishop of Burgos, assures that "we are called in Christ to be saints".

"Encourage creative, lively minorities that transmit the Gospel, of which Benedict XVI spoke. Without being exclusive, but showing the identity of being disciples of the Lord. We are called in Christ to be saints, that is our identity". This is what Monsignor Mario Iceta, Archbishop of Burgos, said at the University of Navarre, where he closed the VIII conference of update Pastoral of the School of Theology, centered on 'Communicating the faith in the present context'.

In this sense, he explained to the more than 200 people who participated that today the pastoral is not of great masses, "the Lord fished with network and we with hook". And he encouraged them to consider the culture that each one generates for it. He gave as an example that indeed in his diocese they open the doors of the cathedral of Burgos, "but it was built by our ancestors," he said.

Bishop Iceta structured his message in three points. On the one hand, he detailed some aspects of the complexity of the current status defined as a change of epoch "and not as an epoch of changes". He then explained how this change of epoch influences the ecclesial status , and concluded by highlighting some of the keys that today's priests have to take care of in order to face the new challenges, which he said "are exciting, stimulating and represent an opportunity to preach the Gospel and to make present the saving grace of Jesus".

"What unifies the life of the presbyter is pastoral charity."

The Archbishop of Burgos pointed out that the unity of the priest's ministry is not achieved by outwardly ordering what they do or simply with exercises of piety: "What unifies the life of the priest? Pastoral charity. It is not that pastoral charity is born of the interior life, which is also true, but that pastoral charity orders it".

In the course of a day and a half, three panels and two sessions were held which, as Professor Miguel Brugarolas, organizer of the conference, said, served to answer the question of how to make the Christian proposal interesting: "By making Christ present in one's own life and transforming everything we do with the inextinguishable power of the Gospel. This is how priests in the most varied circumstances help others to live human life in depth and serve the transmission of the faith at the crossroads of contemporary life".

For his part, the Dean of the School of Theology, Gregorio Guitián, transmitted some words of Cardinal Lazzaro You Heung Sik, Prefect of the Dicastery of the Clergy, who finally could not participate in the conference due to an assignment of the Holy Father. He also closed the meeting wishing that the participants would take away "ideas, both of horizon and practical, desire and missionary impulse, and an attitude to improve".

conference from update Pastoral 2023



