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The University awards its Gold Medal to Pilar Sesma, Jesús Prieto and María Ángeles Sánchez

"For your task full of courage and magnanimity, the University expresses its recognition and gratitude to you," states the President

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From left to right, Jesús Prieto, María Ángeles Sánchez, the President and Pilar Sesma. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
19/02/16 14:30 María Pilar Huarte

Professors María Pilar Sesma Egozcue and Jesús María Prieto Valtueña, and the former Director of Nursing at the Clinic, María Ángeles Sánchez Bellón, have received the Gold Medal of the University of Navarra, a special recognition for services rendered to the University awarded by Chancellor, Bishop Javier Echevarría. This brings to 25 the number of Gold Medals awarded since 1990.

"Today we remember the sum of many simple, silent tasks, carried out with the determination to serve -students, patients, colleagues-; for this task full of courage and magnanimity, the University of Navarra expresses its recognition and gratitude to you," said President, Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero. "With your commitment, with your ability to overcome difficulties with patience, ingenuity and creativity, you have contributed to the spirit that gives life to the University," he added.

Likewise, President expressed the privilege for those who work at the University of Navarra to share "such a relevant mission statement in the service of society". "There will be no lack of obstacles, but in the midst of the storms we discover the mettle of good sailors. And now the circumstances of the environment make us see that we cannot be mediocre, nor can we live installed in the culture of complaint," he said.

Environment partnership

submission After the awarding of the Medal, Dr. Jesús Prieto pointed out that "the University is an environment where the communication of minds and the concurrence of efforts make progress. At the University of Navarra I have lived in an atmosphere of frank and open partnership and this has been the determining factor in the culmination of otherwise unattainable projects," recalled Jesús Prieto, who joined the academic center in 1979.

In addition, the former director of the area of Hepatology and Gene Therapy of the research center Applied Medicine (CIMA) thanked "in a special way" those who collaborated with him in the work assistance, in the teaching and in the research; to those who "have made the CIMA a reality with their efforts, economic contributions or with an often hidden work "; and to "so many families from Navarra and other parts of the Iberian Peninsula who have trusted us and who with their generous financial aid have allowed the research work of the University to continue with strength, even in the difficult times of the economic crisis".

development economic and cultural development of Navarre

On the other hand, Pilar Sesma, the youngest professor in Spain in her area and dean of the School of Sciences between 1990 and 2005, said that for her the University is "corpus et alma mater", her second mother: "It welcomed me as a student and has made it possible for me to dedicate my whole professional life to the exciting university tasks".

development She explained that, "as a Navarrese," she feels it is her duty to thank St. Josemaría Escrivá for having founded the academic center, "thus making it possible for thousands of Navarrese men and women from low-income families to obtain a university degree at degree scroll , giving an enormous impulse, which still continues, to the economic and cultural development of our beloved land.

María Ángeles Sánchez, Director of Nursing at the Clinic between 1980 and 2003, said that "I wish that for everyone, in the University as a whole, the Clinic would be what it has been for me: the best place to work, a place where I have received much more than I have given".

 "The tasks performed by nurses and nursing assistants, sometimes very visible, sometimes hidden, always valuable, give the Clinic the content, style, quality and cordiality that we all know and appreciate". For this reason, "to all of them, who are the creators of this atmosphere, I gladly present this Medal, which is as much theirs as mine. Their work is worth gold", stressed María Ángeles Sánchez, who promoted the training of the supervisors and the development of the nurses and the staff auxiliary.

The three new Medals

María Pilar Sesma Egozcue (Pamplona, 1950), a graduate and doctor in Biological Sciences from the University of Navarra, is the youngest professor in Spain in her area (Cell Biology) and the first Navarrese student from the University of Navarra to obtain a university Chair . She was dean of the School of Sciences between 1990 and 2005.

Jesús María Prieto Valtueña (Oviedo 1944), Full Professor emeritus since 2014, joined the University of Navarra in 1979, where he directed the Internal Medicine department of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and the area of Hepatology and Gene Therapy of the research center Applied Medicine (CIMA). Author of more than 300 original articles of research in international journals, he has promoted pioneering clinical trials for the treatment of liver cirrhosis and, in the field of gene therapy, liver and digestive tumors.

María Ángeles Sánchez Bellón (1948, Úbeda, Jaén), after being Director of Nursing at the Clinic, held the position of supervisor of the position area de Selección and training, until 2008, and since then has been Director of the area de Selección. She has been president of the group of work for the permanent training of Supervisors, as well as board member of the Specialties Commission and board member for Navarra of the National association of Nursing Managers.

Read special report



