The University launches a work Fin de Degree multidisciplinary among students from different countries. Schools
The study aims to help community pharmacists improve their communication with terminally ill patients, palliative care patients, family members and/or caregivers.
This year the first work Fin de Degree (TFG) carried out by students from different Schools has been presented at the University of Navarra. The project is formed by Rafael Ibañez del Pino, student of 5th year of Pharmacyand Cristina Sáiz, 4th year student of Teaching in Primary Education ; tutored by professors José López Guzmán, Senior Associate Professor of area of Humanities Pharmaceutics of department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the School of Pharmacy; and Sonia Rivas Borrell, Professor of area of Methods of research and Diagnosis in Education in the School of Education and Psychology, respectively.
The project, which also involved the high school of Pharmacists of Navarra, has been developed under the degree scroll "the community pharmacist and communication to patients and caregivers in a terminal process" and has as goal the evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the community pharmacist when communicating with this subject population, investigating the resources that can be offered by the pharmacist professional to get more out of them and better serve their community. The project concludes with the development of a material that can serve the community pharmacist as tool in the communicative process. "Right now, most of these patients spend the last days of their lives in a hospital, but there is a shift to the home. Hence, the community pharmacist has to be prepared for this shift. In a way, if we look at status in quantitative terms, it consists of anticipating a problem that will arise," says Rafael.
The Final Projects Degree are, generally, research projects that university students must carry out in their last year of degree program in order to finish their programs of study of Degree. Each School has C a model own TFG that can vary depending on the Degree and that is carried out individually or collectively, as long as the students are from the same degree program.
This new subject of TFGs involving students from different Schools are promoted by Innovation Factory, Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the UN, and aim to provide the same solution to the problems addressed in the projects, but this time, analyzed from the different perspectives of students from different branches of knowledge working cooperatively to carry out the study. "Seeing the same problem from different points of view enriches project and provides new knowledge to us, to project, and even to the professors," said Cristina, one of the two participating students.
This new proposal 2.0., which aims to consolidate itself as another option when choosing TFGs, is launched to try to bring students even closer to the real needs of society, which are generally addressed collaboratively by experts from different professional areas.
However, nowadays, the dates, courts and plans of programs of study of the different Schools, vary from one Degrees to another, and this means an extra effort for students to be able to combine their hours of work with those of their classmates. In addition, many teachers are still unaware of the possibility of tutoring and encouraging their students to participate in this subject of work that exponentially promotes team work , learning and coordination between different subjects.
The TFGs tribunals will be held on Wednesday, May 20 at 10.00h for Cristina from this link. linkand on Thursday May 21 at 09.00h for Rafael. Both sessions will be broadcast online through Google Meet and will be public to encourage participation and help this initiative subject to consolidate little by little over time.