2014_06_19_CIMA_El CIMA lanza una campaña para consolidar la investigación de la enfermedad de Alzheimer
The CIMA launches a campaign to consolidate the research of Alzheimer's disease.
If you are a customer of "la Caixa", donate your star points to project of CIMA against this neurodegenerative disease.
The CIMA has launched a campaign to consolidate the research in Alzheimer's disease. If you are a customer of "la Caixa", donate your "la Caixa" star points to our here your "la Caixa" star points to our project and help us to find an effective treatment for this disease.
How can you help?If you are a customer of "la Caixa", donate your star points to CIMA:
In the gift catalog of www.lacaixa.es
Through your manager staff at your office.
At "la Caixa" ATMs