Pope appoints University philosopher as member of Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
Ana Marta Gonzalez is a professor at department of Philosophy and scientific coordinator of the Institute for Culture and Society

Pope Francis has appointed Ana Marta Gonzalez, a philosopher from the University of Navarra, as a member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. González is professor of Philosophy Moral at the department of Philosophy and scientific coordinator of the Institute for Culture and Society of the academic center.
D. in Philosophy with award extraordinary in 1998, with a thesis on Thomas Aquinas, she was a Fulbright Scholar at department of Philosophy at Harvard University in the academic year 2002-2003, where she extended her research to the relationship between morality, nature and culture in the Kantian Philosophy internship . In 2015 he enjoyed a scholarship Salvador de Madariaga at the same academic center. She has also made several research stays at the University of Münster (Germany), and Catholic University of America (Washington, D. C., USA), with a scholarship from the Ministry of Education.
Known for her work on reason internship and natural law, she has been directing since 2006 a series of research projects on the relationship between Philosophy moral and social sciences. Since 2004, she has also directed the 'Culture and Lifestyles' line of the Social Trends Institute, where she has led numerous Experts-Meetings on topics related to the social sciences.
Among his most recent publications in the field of social sciences are: La articulación ética de la vida social ( Comares 2016); Sociedad civil y normatividad. David Hume's social theory ( Dykinson, 2013); Culture as mediation. Kant on nature, Culture, and morality (Olms, 2011); and Contemporary perspectives on natural law (Ashgate, 2008).
Study and progress of social sciencesThe Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences was founded by John Paul II on January 1, 1994. Its goalIts mission, reflected in article no. 1 of its statute, is "promote the study and advancement of the social, economic, political and juridical sciences in the light of the social doctrine of the Church".
The issue of its Pontifical Academicians, appointed by the Pope, cannot be less than 20 or more than 40. They are chosen without distinction of religious confession for their high level of skill in one of the various social disciplines. In addition to Professor Gonzalez, the Pope has appointed Professor Gregory M. Reichberg, director of the Research School University of Oslo (Norway), as a member of the Academy.