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award to the best article in applied statistics, awarded by the BBVA Foundation and the Sociedad de Estadística e research Operativa.

Researchers from the University of Navarra, the Public University of Navarra and the University of Eastern Piedmont have participated in this project .

FotoCedida/Fromleft to right, Jesús López Fidalgo (University of Navarra), José Antonio Moler (Public University of Navarra) and Caterina May (University of Eastern Piedmont).

19 | 07 | 2024

The clogging occurring in a grain storage system subject grain silo may have consequences costly, also for the environment. For example, in the case of minerals that are dumped through a vertical tunnel in a mineundoesr a traffic jam would need an explosion with dynamite, which involves high cost, resource exploitation and environmental impact. The article from research awarded by the BBVA Foundation and the Statistical Society and research OperationalThe project was carried out with the participation of researchers from the University of Navarra, Public University of Navarra and the University of Eastern Piedmonthas been recognized for providing solutions that can prevent clogging in a issue number of years sufficient to amortize the mine or any other storage system.

Thanks to the statistical analysis you can create a modeldepending on the case, to solve this problem. This would serve to optimize the resources that are usually used to unclog minerals, grains or cereals. In this sense, it would also help to reduce environmental pollution.

The development statistician intervenes primarily to saving costs in experiments that are carried out in order to determine the exact size of the opening of the tunnel or silo to avoid traffic jams in a sufficiently long time. In many cases it is not possible to experiment in the field due to the resources required. and are scaled in laboratory. This is the theory of "design optimal experiments", and by means of statistics seeks to reduce the issue of tests, saving time and materials.

Jesús López Fidalgo, Full Professor of Statistics of the Institute of Science of the data and Artificial Intelligence of the University of Navarra, Caterina May, full professor of Statistics at the University of Eastern Piedmont, and José Antonio Moler, .Caterina May, Professor of Statistics at the University of Eastern Piedmont and José Antonio Moler, Senior Associate Professor of Statistics and research Operations at the Public University of Navarra, have been awarded with this recognition for their work of research published in Annals of Applied Statistics, a specialized journal of innovative contributions to statistics. The award-winning work is degree scroll "design of experiments to estimate an appropriate output size for a subject silo problem". The project was also supported by the partnership of the laboratory Granular Media Department of the University.

In addition to this award, four other prizes have been awarded in the 5th edition of the BBVA Foundation's Society of Statistics and Operations research Awards (SEIO), whose goal is to recognize and project to society the most innovative contributions in these two disciplines. These scientific contributions are awarded for their originality, innovation and contributions in this science.



