Importance of digital skills and knowledge in law firms.

19 | 11 | 2024
What skills or knowledge should a professional have in subject of artificial intelligence and technology before joining the working world in a firm? What role does technology and artificial intelligence play in attracting and retaining the best talent in organizations?
These are some of the questions that were raised in the focus group organized by the Digital Regulation and Technology Observatory of the University of Navarra and Deloitte with the participation of Eduardo Valpuesta, Full Professor of Commercial Law. University of Navarra. Director of the Observatory; Rodrigo González, partner of Deloitte Legal; Ilier Navarro, Journalist at Cinco Días, El País and Diario LA LEY and Beatriz Hernández, manager talent of Deloitte Legal.
According to Beatriz Hernández, "it is important for the university environment to focus on how to develop professionals in different areas such as artificial intelligence, technology, process optimization, etc. There are a series of skills and knowledge related to these areas that the firms expect from professionals and it is the universities themselves that come to us to analyze them and see what we are looking for when it comes to incorporating new professionals".
Regarding the training to professionals, both to new incorporations and to the talent that already exists in the organizations, Ilier Navarro, pointed out that "it is important that we are aware that technology is constantly evolving and professionals who develop their work in an office must know this subject of technological tools and apply it in a internship way in their day to day".
Thus, incorporating technology in the day-to-day work of lawyers should be done in the most natural way possible. In the words of Rodrigo González, "law firms must provide the necessary means so that the interaction between professionals and technology is simple and becomes a habit that helps professionals in their daily work".
Finally, in the words of Eduardo Valpuesta, "when a professional develops knowledge in technological tools and artificial intelligence, he/she has better skills to know what subject of result or conclusions these tools yield, so that he/she is better prepared to manage them".