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The School of Economics hosts International Day

The academic center announced the more than 70 destinations of exchange to students.

20/01/11 12:44
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The School of Economics has more than 70 agreements with international universities. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The School of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Navarra hosted the International Day. During this workshop , which was attended by students from all courses, the more than 70 institutions with which the academic center has agreements with exchange, including the 10 new destinations that the School offers for the next academic year 2011/12, were announced.

The attendees received information about the countries and requirements to study in each of the universities. More than 150 students from the School of Economics study each year, during one semester, in one of the 30 countries with which there are agreements. These include the United States, Canada and China, which are usually the most popular destinations. In addition, each year more than 100 students from different destinations visit the School, in the framework of the exchange program.



