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ICS launches social science essay contest on challenges of today's world

The award is average scholarship to study the Master's Degree in research in Social Sciences and 500 euros in cash.

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20/03/17 17:12 Isabel Solana

The Institute for Culture and Societyresearch center at Humanities and social sciences of the University of Navarra, has launched a competition for essay in social sciences. The award consists of average scholarship to study the Master's Degree in research in Social Sciences (MICS) in the academic year 2017-2018 and 500 euros in cash.

The competition is intended to be a platform for students with an interest in research to develop and share innovative proposals to meet the challenges of today's world at area .

Participants should write a essay on one or more issues that ICS projects are working on:

- Emotions and identity: why do emotions weigh so much in the contemporary world; Emotions, advertising and consumption: what moves us to consume?

- Communication in the public sphere: Are politicians still convincing us? The new political parties and their new rhetoric; Communication & Society digital media: Does the written press have a future?

- Religion and contemporary society: Religion and Civil Society: does religion fit in the public sphere; Is coexistence between religions possible?

- Poverty and development: Policies for the development of poor countries: how to formulate and implement them; Solidarity and justice: proposals for a more equitable distribution of wealth.

- Education yadolescencia: Retos en la Education de los adolescentes del siglo XXI; Adolescents, internet and social networks: risk or opportunity?

- Technology and sustainable development : Advances and challenges in the technified world: what planet will we leave our children?; Public policies for a sustainable development .

A jury composed of representatives of the University of Navarra will evaluate the proposals submitted and will decide on the award during the month of May 2017. A second and third honorary award will also be awarded in case the winner cannot accept the scholarship or does not comply with the requirements of Admissions Office.



