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The Master's Degree in Educational and Psychological Intervention, third best postgraduate program of its specialization program in Spain.

The Master's Degree improves and climbs one position over the previous year, according to the ranking of 'El Mundo'.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
20/06/14 12:26 Alberto Bonilla

The Master's Degree in Educational and Psychological Intervention of the University of Navarra continues to be one of the best of its specialization program in Spain, according to the latest ranking of postgraduate programs prepared by the newspaper El Mundo. The Master's Degree climbs from 4th to 3rd place on the scale of assessment in this new edition.

According to El Mundo, the basic attraction of this program of the School of Education and Psychology is "the academic staff with which it counts, composed of professionals of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and the research center Applied Medicine".

In preparing this study, 26 criteria were taken into account, covering factors such as the demand for Master's Degree, human resources, Study program, the results obtained by students and the material resources of each postgraduate program. In total, the journal analyzed the opinions of more than 600 experts and more than 1,200 degrees analyzed from universities and other entities.

The OfficialMaster's Degree in Educational and Psychological Intervention is aimed at those who are in possession of the degree scroll of Degree or other expressly declared equivalent, primarily trained or interested in disciplines related to psychoeducational intervention (Psychology of development and Education, Psychology of Learning, Neuropsychology, Educational Guidance, assessment educational and Education special).

(To see the ranking, click on the image)



