The School of Sciences and CEIN launch a course focused on training professionals in management of scientific companies.
The course is aimed primarily at working professionals, young researchers and students from Master's Degree and . doctorate

20 | 06 | 2022
The School of Sciences and the European Business and Innovation Centre of Navarra (CEIN) have organised the course "Initiation to the management of Science Companies" with the aim of training scientists in the business branch.
goal The main aim of this course is for students to "develop the skills most in demand by companies, acquire knowledge and tools in the field of management and be able to start up their own business", says José Manuel Trillo, director of development of the School of Sciences of the University of Navarra.
This training - which follows a methodology internship based on case studies and work in teams - consists of three modules that will take place in the months of October, November, January, February and March. The first module "The entrepreneur's mindset" will include sessions on negotiation, decision-making strategy, creativity and leadership. The second "The business vision of Departments"will cover finance, management commercial, marketing, and strategic management. And the third "From idea to product" students will develop their own business idea.
This course is aimed at working professionals in the biomedical and innovation sector, young researchers and students from Master's Degree and doctorate who want to acquire knowledge on the business side.
The issue maximum number of places is 25 and the price per person is 780 euros. The deadline application form application is open and ends on 28 August. The enrollment is scheduled to take place from 1 to 9 September.
On the programme's website you can consult the calendar, schedule, discounts and more information.