Held in Niterói (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) the international congress "Globalized Cultures: from the Golden Century to the 21st Century".
More than 50 speakers from eleven countries participated in the meeting, co-organized by GRISO-University of Navarra.
The Internationalcongress "Globalized Cultures: from the Golden Age to the 21st Century" was recently held in Niterói (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) , co-organized by the high school of Literature of the Universidade Federal Fluminense(Estudos de Literatura, Pós-Graduação-UFF), the group of research Golden Age(GRISO) of the University of Navarra and the high school of programs of study Auriseculares(IDEA). Professors Ignacio Arellano and Lygia Rodrigues Vianna Peres were the directors of congress and the academic administrative assistant , Professor Mariela Insúa. This meeting, which took place at UFF's Campus do Gragoatá, was intended to be a fine-tuning of the programs of study of the Golden Age - a first global era - in the modern global era, characterized by new approaches and new means of research.
The program of the congress included more than fifty presentations by professors and researchers from eleven countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Spain, the United States, France, India, Italy, Mexico and Puerto Rico. The various round tables and panels dealt with Cervantes and Don Quixote, Quevedo, Calderón de la Barca, picaresque novels, Golden Age theater, religious and moral literature, and other issues related to authority and power, cultural identity and translation. Also analyzed were various recreations of themes and characters from the Spanish Golden Age in different modern and contemporary literatures of Ibero-America.
position The opening lecture , given by Professor Carlos Mata Induráin (GRISO-University of Navarra), was entitled "Cervantes in Spanish fiction narrative (XX-XXI centuries): from Manuel Fernández y González to Luis García Jambrina and Juan Eslava Galán", and the closing lecture was given by Maria Augusta de Costa Vieira (Universidade de São Paulo), who developed the topic "Conversations and thematic reiterations in Cervantine narrative".
The academic sessions were completed with a visit to the main tourist attractions of Niterói, such as the emblematic Museu de Arte Contemporânea ( MAC), designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer.