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The III Scientific workshop in Nursing of the University of Navarra focused on the area de research

The event was attended by leading figures in the scientific field.

21/02/13 16:03 Laura Latorre
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III workshop Scientific Nursing
PHOTO: Courtesy

The Laguna Care Center Hospital hosted the III workshop of Nursing in Palliative Care, organized by the School Nursing of the University of Navarrain partnership with the center in Madrid, which in this edition had as its central theme topic research as a means to treat and alleviate the pain of patients in palliative care.. The event was attended by about fifty people, including leading figures in the scientific field from different Spanish institutions.

The workshop was attended by the University of Navarra professors María Arantzamendi, director of the Master's Degree in Palliative Care NursingNatalia Casado, nurse in Palliative Care; Begoña Sánchez, nurse specialist in Oncology; and Ana Carvajal, professor and coordinator of the final projects Master's Degree. Also taking part were: Elena Carrascal, assistant director of Nursing at the Hospital Centro de Cuidados Laguna; Montse Ballesteros, nurse and professor of Palliative Care at the Escuela Universitaria de Soria; and Encarnación Pérez, vice-president of the association Española de Cuidados Paliativos de Enfermería (AECPAL). The latter stressed that "about 40% of the palliative care burden falls on nurses" and encouraged promote initiatives training for the profession, and to grow in Spain issue nurses experts in palliative care.
For her part, María Arantzamendi informed the attendees about the Master's Degree in Palliative Care Nursing, the only one specifically dedicated in Spain to teaching nursing in Palliative Care, which combines advanced training in the field of palliative care with training at research. "Both are pillars core topic to improve the quality of care for patients in advanced phase and their families," he stressed, "the training in research is, moreover, a novel area that will allow the development of actions based on results, promoting the advancement of science."



