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"The excellent research must integrate different points of view to achieve a global view of the issues."

Iciar Astiasarán, Vice President of research, intervened in the IV annual meeting of Institute for Culture and Society, in which a hundred people participated.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
21/11/14 17:22 Isabel Solana

The IV annual meeting of the Institute for Culture and SocietyThe IV annual staff , held on November 20, was attended by a hundred people, including researchers, collaborators and administration and services, as well as other centers of the University of Navarra.

The opening ceremony was held at position by Iciar Astiasarán, Vice President of research of the University; Jaime García del Barrio, director general of the ICS; and Ana Marta González, scientific coordinator of the center.

The Vice President bet on promoting the multidisciplinarity, emphasizing that "the excellent research must integrate different points of view to achieve a global vision of the topics". From the quantitative point of view, Iciar Astiasarán assured that the latest bibliometric reports on research in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences reveal an increase in scientific production in these areas at the University.

Along with the need to increase the quality and quantity of such production, the Vice President pointed out two other factors of great relevance: transfer to society and accountability.

Finally, he emphasized the importance of achieving "high fees success rates" in the European Horizon 2020 call, through the presentation of "competitive and well-prepared" research projects. 

2013-2014: 20 books, 59 articles, 117 internal activities and 8 congresses.

For his part, Jaime García del Barrio recalled some figures from the 2013-2014 academic year: 20 books were published; 59 scientific articles were published, more than 80% in A, B or Excellence journals; and more than 117 internal activities and 8 international congresses and workshops were organized. With respect to budget, a expense of 2.63 million euros was executed, of which 52.4% was obtained through external funding.

position The guest lectures at meeting were given by Full Professor Javier Gil Sevillano, director of department Materials at CEIT, who spoke on 'Materials and society', and Charo Sádaba, professor at department of business Information School Communication, who analyzed the 'Lights and shadows of the impact of technology on contemporary lifestyles'.

Two round tables were also held. In the first one, moderated by Inés Olza (project 'Public discourse'), Pedro Mendi (Navarra Center for International Development), Alejandro Vigo (project 'Natural law and rationality internship'), Luis Echarte (group 'Mind-brain') and José Miguel Carrasco (ATLANTES Program) intervened. The second, moderated by María Arantzamendi (ATLANTES Program), counted with the interventions of Omar Rosas (project 'Emotional culture and identity'), Jokin de Irala (project 'Education of affectivity and human sexuality '), David Thunder (project 'Religion and Civil Society') and Cristóbal Pagán (project 'Public discourse').


The IV meeting, on Twitter



