"May we be conscious of being instruments of God's justice which is always indissolubly linked to mercy."
Professor Jorge Castro Trapote, sponsor of the LXII Promotion of licentiate degree from Canon Law, reminded the graduates "To dwell alone in wisdom should not lead you to become arrogant or to isolate yourselves in an ivory tower, but to the responsibility of serving".

22 | 05 | 2024
The School of Canon Law celebrated on May 22 the graduation ceremony of the 22 students who are part of the LXII promotion, which began with the celebration of the Eucharist and then took place the academic ceremony in which the diplomas, scholarships and gold to recent graduates were awarded.
Representing the students, Américo Osvaldo, delegate of School, spoke on behalf of the students. He wanted to thank professors, family, friends and benefactors, as well as the University, and emphasized "We are happy. For the scholarship we received, but our real joy comes from the real sacrifice and effort behind it".
Professor Jorge Castro Trapote was elected godfather of the graduating class, and he thanked them in his speech for the distinction as such. He also stressed to them that "being a jurist is a habit, not an amalgam of knowledge that is undoubtedly essential". "My wish for you when you arrive in your dioceses can be summed up in one thing: humility for the good of the Church, of Canon Law, and for your own good".
In addition, he warned them: "To dwell alone in wisdom should not lead you to become arrogant or to isolate yourselves in an ivory tower, but to the responsibility to serve, to the patience to show the Canon Law as the protection of the weakest".
Joaquín Sedano, Dean of the School at Canon Law, also spoke to the students. "You are part of a young university community, but one that was born with a universal and magnanimous spirit, proper to the Christian spirit that animates it. St. Josemaría, speaking of the university, said that students should be formed with a mentality of service to society. Quoting the Pope, he added, "that we be aware of being instruments of God's justice, which is always indissolubly united to mercy," and concluded by saying, "May God bless you.
LXII Promotion of licentiate degree in Canon Law
José María Ayma Yucra
Stephen Uchechukwu Nwankwo
Karol Baj
Francis Ukpong Offiong
Oscar Danilo Cruz Zacarias
Rubén Pacheco Martínez
Marcel Valère Etoungui
Mariusz Pieluzek
Raysi Guerrero Castillo
Radovan Rajcák
Jean Bruno Kambala Lumamba
César Rueda Merchán
Timothy Katende
Jhan Carlos Soto González
Zahely Zihewo Raymond Khongo
Américo Osvaldo Ucuessunga
John Baptist Kikomeko
Daniel Francisco Ureña Cota
Alfred Dotto Francis Mlinga
Wilibaldo Valdez Hernandez
Joseph Mary Lumu Mpungu
José Ángel Zubiaur Mayans