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Cristina García Vivar has been re-elected to the board board of directors of association International Family Nurse Practitioners.

The professor at the University of Navarra is the first Spanish woman to be part of the board of directors of this association

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Cristina García Vivar.
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
22/06/18 10:37 Ángela Martí

Cristina García Vivar, professor and vice-dean of research of the School de Enfermería, has been re-elected for another year to be part of the board board of directors of the association International Family Nursing Association (IFNA). In 2014 she became the first Spanish nurse to be elected to this position and this year her peers have again elected her to continue in the position until 2020.

"It is an honor for me to be able to work together with nurses from different continents and regions of the world and with different ways of seeing nursing and its challenges," explains García Vivar. Being in this association and leading it allows her to promote the visibility of Spanish nursing at an international level, particularly the role of the nurse in the internship care with families, the Education and the research in this field.

It also has among its objectives to take advantage of the opportunity to enhance the visibility of Spanish nursing and, specifically, nursing in Navarra. To this end, in 2017 the University of Navarra hosted the 13th IFNA International congress , whose motto was: "The Art and Science of Family Nursing: transforming health for families".

On the other hand, the essence of this association is based on the role of the family and for the professor "maintaining the approach of care and analysis oriented to the sick person is a reductionist vision. The research in family nursing has a broader vision: contemplating the family as a unit of care and analysis".



