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The VII graduating class of specialization program in Industrial and Galenic Pharmacy celebrates the act of diploma program

The event took place on December 20 at auditorium of Sciences Building of the University of Navarra.

22/12/10 08:57
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Professors and students of the VII specialization program in Industrial and Galenic Pharmacy, after the ceremony of submission of diplomas. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The ceremony was presided over by the Dean of the School of Pharmacy of the University of Navarra, Icíar Astiasarán, accompanied by Isabel Ansa Erice, Director of attendance Sanitaria of the Government of Navarra, and Fernando de la Puente, director of research and development of the University of Navarra.

The School of Pharmacy of the University of Navarra is one of the few teaching units accredited by the Ministry of Health to teach the specialization program of Industrial and Galenic Pharmacy, which has been offered at the institution since 2003.




Diplomas were awarded to the following students:
- María Teresa Abós Paules
- Miren Arrate Álvarez Fernández de Valderrama
- Paula Aquerreta Larraya
- Eduardo Beltrán Barquero
- Alicia Casas Olcoz
- José Antonio González de Lara Herrero
- Inmaculada Hernández Bejarano
- Diego framework Moraza
- César Prieto del Cura



