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Ojer Pharma receives an international award for a gel for carcinomas and kerastoses at partnership with the University of Navarra

Both institutions have worked on the preclinical development of 3 other treatments.

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22/12/18 12:49 Laura Juampérez

The Navarra-based laboratory Ojer Pharma and the area of Toxicology of the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition of the University of Navarra have received the award for the innovation of a new gel for basal cell carcinomas and actinic keratosis, Keramod gel. The award was awarded during a meeting organized by the European Generics Medicines Association (EGA) in Brussels.

These awards are given at goal to recognize treatments that improve the quality of life of patients and introduce benefits over existing treatments. At the same event, the association also awarded a program on Education and empowerment of transplant patients to position of the Hungarian Transplant Federation.

Regarding the partnership of the area of Toxicology of the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition in the development of the new treatment, this consisted in the realization of the battery of preclinical toxicological programs of study . "With them we demonstrated that the new gel has a better profile of tolerance and safety than the reference letter product in the treatment of both actinic keratosis (AKs) and basal cell carcinoma (sBCC)," explains Ojer Pharma's director , Carlos Ojer.

Reduction of conventional treatment reactions

"These pathologies are very frequent in the geriatric population and represent the preliminary and evolutionary stage of one of the most prevalent types of skin cancer in the population," Ojer emphasizes. The new gel will make it possible to improve the treatment of this pathology subject "by reducing the significant adverse reactions associated with conventional treatments, for which we will begin clinical trials in 2019 to validate the strategy in humans," says the executive.

In addition to collaborating in the development of this new gel, the laboratory of Toxicology of the academic center has also participated in the preclinical phase of 3 other Ojer Pharma treatments: Impetine, Lipovir and Dermatul, all of them already authorized at European level and about to be marketed through licenses in more than 20 countries.



